The Medicine of your Voice & Inner Quest 5 Day Ibiza Retreat, 12 – 16 of September 2024
Deposit ‘The Medicine of your Voice & Inner Quest’ 5 Day Ibiza Retreat
Transformational Voice Work with Bettina Maureenji
& Amana Anne and Christian Boettcher MoV Facilitators (
The Medicine of your Voice & Inner Quest 5 Day Ibiza Retreat
Transformational Voice Work with Bettina Maureenji
& Amana Anne and Christian Boettcher MoV Facilitators. Read about the guest instructors here:
Thursday 12th to Monday 16th of September 2024 @ Can Rafael Healing Center, Ibiza, Spain
Retreat starts Thursday at 5 pm and ends Monday 11 am.
Group is limited to 12 people! If you are new to this work a video interview is required in order to register! Please schedule your interview with Bettina
Prices & Booking
- All The Medicine of your Voice activities (please see schedule below)
- 4 nights (only double rooms available)
- 11 vegetarian meals. 3 days breakfast, lunch & dinner. Plus dinner arrival day Thursday night and breakfast departure day Monday morning by Ibiza Chef Aire.
- Mantra Yoga with Amana.
- Use of Swimming Pool and Sauna.
- 1 Post Retreat Online Group Gathering & Check in.
- 1 discounted price one on one MoV online Voice session with the one of the facilitators or MoV holistic mentoring session with Bettina after the retreat.
A deposit of $450 of the total price has to be paid to reserve your seat (deposits are non refundable). Please note the deposit amount might appear in Euro and the conversion will be applied to the remaining balance.
The rest amount has to be transferred and paid until the 1st of September or in cash upon arrival. Once we receive your deposit we will send you the timetable and more important information.
Our hosts at Can Rafael are Kashaya or Martina. If you have any practical questions please reach out to them via email:
Shuttle services and treatments (not included into the price)
- Taxi service. Prices for taxis are around 45 Euros one way. We will connect you with the other participants to share rides if possible.
- Rental cars: (please note that American Citizens will need to have an international drivers licence in order to rent a car)
- Massage treatments with Elke. Please inquire her contact details and book with her directly according to the retreat schedule.
The Medicine of your Voice & Inner Quest 5 Day Retreat is one of the deepest and integrative offerings of this Voicework method. Through our voices and within the safe container of our retreat community we will explore self care and love, intimacy, connection, vulnerability, celebration, music, singing, healing and transformation. We are inviting to create an energy field together that allows us to open for change, to let go of old programs and invite new insights and reset within each individual of the group.The combination of voice work, singing, music, inquiry and group work can be a journey into non ordinary states of consciousness as well as an experience of inspiration. We have the opportunity to deeply relax and nourish ourselves and we can also use this space for transformation and healing to come forth. We will hold you in the arms of exquisite bliss or if necessary guide you through places inside yourself that need purification. We will all take home memories that you will not forget, music that will accompany you daily and integrative exercises to lift your days and nights. You will also begin to connect to a conscious community that will support you even after this retreat.
This retreat is for women and men who:
- want to discover the beauty and potential of their voices.
- want to access the parts within ourselves that have been muted or silenced.
- feel to explore an integrative vocal healing process.
- want to understand and experience the medicinal benefits of their own voice and breath.
- want to empower their singing voice and their speaking voice
- enhance the vibration in all areas of their lives.
- want to enjoy a weekend in nature with a group of conscious oriented people.
- want to learn devotional songs from various traditions from around the world.
- feel called to be part of a community devoted to self development and service.
- feel ready for change.
This retreat is for everyone open to enter a healing process with themselves and their voices. Education in singing or music is not required! It is for people with or without previous experience in voice work. Everyone is welcome including people working with people, therapists, actors and public speakers.
What we will learn:
- Guided meditations connecting you to the instrument of your voice.
- Voice and breathing exercises. Working with the Indian Musical Scale.
- Singing devotional songs in Hebrew, Sanskrit, Spanish, Portuguese and English.
- How to use your voice and song practice for self healing, well being and personal development.
- Noticing contracted feelings within your body and emotions and transforming them into expansion.
- Being with your voice and truth in all areas of your life.
Schedule includes:
- The Medicine of your Voice sessions
- Transformational VoiceWork Circles
- Song Circles
- Sound Bath
- Lectures & Dialogues
There will be plenty of time to rest, connect with other participants or practice.
Learn about The Medicine of your Voice method HERE | Visit Can Rafael website HERE.
Can Rafael Healing Center
Vastu Shastra
we follow the 6000 year old Indian doctrine of happy living
Not only carried by angelic energy, but also follows the clear principles through the consciously generated energetic efficiency, in which the elements and the cardinal directions play a central role. From the house to the meditation temple to the medicinal plant garden, everything is laid out according to the principles of sacred geometry.
We only use sustainable and natural materials for our constructions.
The heart of our powerful place is a high-energy meditation temple, which of course was also created according to the laws of sacred geometry. Two exceptional amethyst druses, over 2m in size, additionally cleanse and energize the temple area.
Seminars, yoga teachings, lectures and workshops take place in this 50 square meter meditation room:
- on work-life balance,
- for self-awareness
- to heal the body, mind and soul
Carmen –
‘A wonderfully interesting experience. Bettina led our group through the retreat very sensitively and at the same time powerfully. The group had a diverse mix of personalities and we were there for each other with respect and care. Everyone had their own space to stay and/or grow in their own process. The Medicine of your Voice is a wonderful experience of self-healing and self-love and I am very happy and grateful that I was able to experience this time with Bettina, Elke and the participants. I think about it very fondly and benefit from it every day.
And not to forget:!: the food was very tasty, lovingly and freshly prepared for us!!!’ Carmen Baldy, Germany
Amana –
‘The Medicine of your Voice is so much more than just a method to open the voice. It is a true healing path. Becauslifechangingis so much connected to all these inner processes. There is so much that can be covering the voice. All these layers of fear, shame, all these negative beliefs (I cannot sing, my voice should sound more like this or that, etc.). And to go through all these layers and free the voice from these negative limitations is deeply healing, so transformative. I feel I’ve come closer to finding my true natural voice. I am very grateful to have experienced these 5 days. We worked quite deep but we also had a lot of fun together. Bettina Maureenji is an amazing person and facilitator with a lot of clarity, firmness, sensitivity and a good sense of humor. I look very much forward to discovering more of the medicine of my voice.’ Amana Anne, Germany